Copper Coast Show
Following are the individual Copper Coast Show Exhibitors book sections for those who want to enter an exhibit in the 2023 Annual Show. A full copy of the actual 2023 show book can also be
downloaded below.
This year the Copper Coast Show is hosting the Yorke Peninsula Shows Association Photography Competition, with the winner to receive $30 and a $100 voucher donated by Copy King Kadina.
It also hosts a CWA scone competition where the local winner will compete with other Yorke Peninsula Show Association shows to determine who will compete to represent Yorke Peninsula, also at the Royal Adelaide Show in September 2023. Details and guidelines regarding both sections can be downloaded below. An Entry form for both sections will also need to be completed. Any queries please contact the relevant Convener.
Download the section and print what you need, follow the guidelines and put in your entry form by the closing date for each section.
A challenge is issued for all schools to enter the special eggs section at this year's Copper Coast Show. This Section is sponsored by Petstock Country, See the following link for details it is part of the Junior Vegetables, Fruit & Eggs Section.
Any queries or questions about the entries or the sections you wish to enter please contact the respective convener listed at the top of each section.
Click to download the section entry form
Click on the Section names below to download relevant exhibitor information for each section